About ten days ago, a coalition of various gun enthusiast organizations announced that Saturday, January 10th would be a holiday: Gun Appreciation Day. I'm not kidding. I guess the next logical step will be Hallmark issuing a card for the occasion saying something like, "Have More Fun. Get A Gun."
This column is not a typical liberal gun-owner bashing.
I'm not calling for a repeal of the Second Amendment. I'm barely going to
mention that there are 300 million guns in America, making it easily the most
heavily armed nation in the world. Others can discuss the fact that America has
the highest homicide rate caused by gunshot than any "developed"
nation. The main reason I was horrified when I heard about this new holiday was
not because of my position on gun control. My dismay about Gun Appreciation Day
has to do with bad taste and insensitivity.
It's only been a month since the horrific shooting in Newtown,
Connecticut, and some people decided it would be appropriate to have a Gun
Appreciation Day. One month! How thrilled all those parents of the murdered children
must be. Can you imagine someone calling for a Hurricane and Flood
Appreciation Day a month after Sandy hit New Jersey? I don't think they'd get a
bear hug from Governor Christie, do you? October is Breast Cancer Awareness
Month. How do you think it would've gone over in November for people to
celebrate "the positive things about cancer?"
The NRA and other pro-gun groups wisely were silent immediately
after the Sandy Hook School shootings. However, they just couldn't control
themselves for more than a few days. Larry Ward, one of the organizers of their
new holiday, explained the reason for getting back to vocally opposing gun
control soon after the tragedy. "We had a week when it was just one side,"
those who want gun control. "People need to understand there's another
side." After one week? Is that the length they feel the mourning period
for murdered children should be?
As usual, there were declarations from some gun
enthusiasts that there would have been no mass killing if only the teachers had
been armed with guns. When I heard this, I thought about when I was in
elementary school. I was a loudmouth kid who often got on my teachers' nerves. If
they had been armed, I might never have made it to high school.
Guns are as American as apple pie. In fact, you can buy
guns and apple pie at the same place. Walmart is the largest seller of firearms
and ammunition in the nation. There's just a bit of inconsistency when it comes
to their philosophy. Don't you think that if Walmart sold a new crib that ended
up causing injuries to babies that they'd stop selling that crib immediately? However,
guns and ammo are just too important to Walmart's profits for them to stop
selling weapons for even a little while. On Tuesday, protestors demonstrated at
a Walmart near Newtown, Connecticut, objecting to the assault weapons that
Walmart sells. In response, a spokesman said the demonstrators were
misinformed. Kory Lundberg said that Walmart sells assault-style weapons in
less than a third of their stores. Oh, just a third. That comes to only about 1300 stores. No
wonder we didn't find any Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq. They're all in
Gun Appreciation Day isn't the only inappropriate response
to Sandy Hook. A month to the day after the shooting, a new app from the NRA
was released for use on the iPhone and iPad. It's called the "NRA:
Practice Range." It allows players to shoot at targets with a variety of
guns. One of these weapons is the Bushmaster AR-15, the gun used by the shooter
in Newtown. But what am I complaining about? It's been a whole month since the